Top Neighborhood Safety Tips For West Lafayette
Your neighborhood is an important facet of your life as it’s where you’ll raise children and nurture long-lasting friendships. It makes sense that you wish to do your part to keep it secure. Luckily, you have the ability to do just that by implementing a couple of straightforward neighborhood safety tips for West Lafayette. Just taking small actions like getting to know your neighbors and implementing a home security system will go a long way toward improving the safety of all.
1. Install A Comprehensive West Lafayette Home Security System
When you secure your home, you're also defending your community. By incorporating a home security system, you're preventing criminal activity and helping keep prowlers out of your local area. Current systems that let you remotely activate lights or monitor your exterior camera's real-time feed are formidable tools. When you incorporate 24/7 monitoring, you'll have a complete means of protection that is ready to respond no matter where you are.
2. Meet Your Neighbors
Making an introduction when new residents move in is a positive neighborhood safety tip, but it’s smart to do a little extra and get to know them. Do they have kids? Is anyone home during the day? There's a possibility you will discover ways to assist each other, even if it's simply placing a call if you see something that's amiss. Many neighborhoods will arrange get-togethers or have smaller assemblies for special interests. Join in when you’re able, and if your neighborhood utilizes a social media platform, be certain you can access it. This is a fantastic way to get immediate information on the happenings in your area.
3. Clean Up Your West Lafayette Property And Neighborhood
When a prospective thief comes across a poorly maintained residence or community, it’s fair to assume they may question the extent of its security and consider it a possible target. Don't make your exterior and neighborhood attractive to intruders. Keep it neat, and make sure plants and trees close to access points are well-groomed, so you don't by accident create hiding spots. Outdoor video cameras and motion-sensing lights are also fantastic investments. If there's an open lot in the area, assemble a team of volunteers to keep it weed-free and looking nice.
4. Make Plans If You’re Leaving For Vacation
A vacant house is always a preferred target. If mail is falling out of your mailbox or snowfall is piling up on your driveway, it's quite obvious you're not there. Simply asking a neighbor to grab your mail or finding someone to maintain your property is a smart move. Home automation is also quite beneficial as you may program lights to switch on at certain times to make it seem like you're there.
5. Be Careful Of What You Share On Social Media Platforms
Even though you're excited about an approaching vacation with your family or a much needed evening out with friends, there’s no need to tell the world when you're leaving. Be careful of what you share on social media websites, even if it's a private community page. Bringing attention to your absence is never a wise idea.
Enhance Safety By Installing a Home Security System From Secure24 Alarm Systems
Dissuade crime at your West Lafayette home and make your local area less attractive to thieves with a comprehensive home security system from Secure24 Alarm Systems. Let us show you how we can enhance safety with impressive tools like home automation and video surveillance. All you need to do is give us a call at (765) 221-3339 or fill out the form below to request a quote.