What To Know About Monitored Vs. Unmonitored Security Systems In West Lafayette
You know you have to safeguard your home. After all, it’s the place where your family lives and is where you have all of your valuables. But what type of home defense is best? Whether or not to get 24/7 monitoring is one of the chief considerations you need to make. Examine the pros and cons of monitored vs. unmonitored security systems in West Lafayette and get a better idea of what’s right for you.
Differences Between Monitored Vs. Unmonitored Home Security Systems
When you select 24-hour monitoring, your home security system bridges to a third-party monitoring team that is prepared to act at all times. When an entrypoint sensor triggers or a CO detector goes off, your monitoring specialists get a notification immediately. They quickly take action to validate the alarm and contact the proper emergency professionals.
On the contrary, an unmonitored system doesn’t include professional backup. You might consider this to be self-monitoring, which indicates that if an alarm sounds, you must take action to remedy the situation. This possibility is the more affordable route, but it also reduces your peace of mind.
Pros And Cons Of A Monitored Security System In West Lafayette
Here’s a quick look at the benefits and downsides of a monitored security system.
Benefits Of Monitored Systems
- Heightened security: Having a support system at the ready is always smart. If you are away from home, asleep, or without access to your cell phone, your residence and its inhabitants will still be safeguarded.
- Speedier response times: Monitoring specialists are always prepared. They’ll respond quicker to alarms than you can by yourself.
- Insurance savings: Monitored home security systems might make you eligible for a homeowners insurance discount.
- Superior tools and seamless integration: By getting equipment, monitoring, and installation from a respected home security expert, you will enjoy a fully connected system with components that may be superior to what you will discover yourself.
Drawbacks Of A Monitored System
- Fee: You will pay a monthly charge for monitoring.
- Have to get your system installed professionally: Many individuals would rather have work completed by qualified professionals, but some DIYers might want to do it by themselves.
- Must sign a contract: You will generally need to sign a contract as part of your package. This stipulation is likely to be satisfactory for many as home security is a service you will want for the long haul.
Pros And Cons Of An Unmonitored Security System In West Lafayette
Here’s a quick breakdown of the pros and cons of an unmonitored security system.
Advantages Of An Unmonitored System
- Price: You won’t incur a monitoring fee.
- Install on your own: Do-it-yourselfers may consider this a pro as they can handle the installation themselves and circumvent an extra charge. Other people will wish to use an experienced technician.
- Greater Flexibility: You are able to integrate components when you wish - and from different manufacturers. However, you might find assembling into a seamless system more challenging.
- You’re always in charge: You won’t have an outside company monitoring your alarms. If something happens, you’re in charge of getting support.
Drawbacks Of An Unmonitored System
- No support system: What happens when you’ve misplaced your phone and don’t see a security notification? This circumstance will generate more stress and less peace of mind.
- Requires your full attention: Since you are the single person in control, you must always stay connected to your home security app.
- Connecting the system is up to you: If you need a helping hand during an install, you may have to hire a separate contractor. The installation is also likely to be slower.
Defend Your Property With a Monitored Home Security System In West Lafayette
Stay protected 24/7 with a monitored home security system in West Lafayette from Secure24 Alarm Systems. We think you’ll agree that a cohesive, monitored system is the ideal solution for your family. Contact (765) 221-3339 today to get started.